December is such a crazy month, so much to do in the lead up to Christmas, resulting in people running around madly, stressed out and totally exhausted by the time Christmas actually arrives. I will put my hand up and admit that I have been feeling like this for the last couple of days and you know what, I don't like how I feel. I feel very scattered, I'm irritable and snappy and physically feeling so drained. It is no wonder I feel this way, because I also feel very disconnected from 'me'.
Before I go on, let me explain what 'me' is!
'Me' goes by many different names...Higher Self, True Self, Heart, Spirit, Divine Self, Source. Choose whatever name resonates with you. For me, 'me' represents my spirit, my whole self - the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual!

When we disconnect from 'me', we experience doubt, we feel lost, we are uncertain, we loose our intuitive instinct, we don't trust ourselves and we fail to be true to ourselves. In the short term, this can lead to the aforementioned feelings of being scattered, irritable, anxious as well as numerous other feelings and physically feeling depleted of energy and perhaps experiencing minor aches, pain and ill-health.
In the longer term, this disconnect from self can start to have much more detrimental effects, physically, mentally and emotionally. If we fail to tune in and listen to 'me' and act on our intuitive guidance then life tends to present struggles, until we listen and start to take notice. Sometimes these lessons are hard to learn, sometimes traumatic, often painful - some last a short time, some last a life time.
When you live a life where you are in tune with yourself and live by your intuitive guidance, there really will be no big deal when you go through a rough experience. You simply discern what the problem is and learn from it. Lesson Learnt - after that there is no need to attract that situation to you again.
So many adults are walking around in life alienated from their 'me'. I see it with my clients all the time. Somewhere along the way, they lost that connection to their true self and they are struggling to reclaim it.
Kinesiology is amazing at helping clients highlight this disconnect and
assist them in re-establishing that relationship!
I recently worked with a client, who through the age-recession process identified an incident when she was 5 years old. She recalled that she really wanted to play with a particular doll, but her friend wanted her to play in the sandpit. So rather than be true to herself, she went along with what her friend wanted her to do. This incident was identified as the original event which established a life-long pattern of behaviour. A pattern of behaviour that now sees a grown woman continue to say 'Yes' when she really wants to say 'No' - a lifelong pattern of behaviour where she has not listened and allowed herself to be true to herself. Her challenge now is to connect with her true self, her heart, her spirit - and listen - and then act on what she hears - thereby being true to herself. The changes that will occur in her life because of this will be amazing! How Cool Is Kinesiology!
I have seen also seen this in quite a number of children that I have worked with. It is possible to re-establish this relationship as a child and an adult, but it can be hard work - changing life-long patterns of behaviour and limiting beliefs is not easy.
Wouldn't It Be Better If It Was Not Lost At All?
Bringing up our children is the most important 'job' we have given to us! It is a gift and a responsibility that should not be taken lightly. As a parent, I am always seeking to ensure that my children are happy, that they thrive and prosper in life and that they grow into confident adults, surrounded by love and with an inner peace and calm. Children who are fortunate enough to grow up trusting their intuition, live life with a sense of spiritual direction and safety, and become more confident adults with clarity and inner peace. I believe it is our responsibility as parents to teach our children about this special part of who they are, the younger the better, and then help them to nurture it.
Is There A More Beautiful Gift To Give Your Child?
But How?
How Do I Nurture My Child's 'Me'?
My big girl finished her first year at 'big school' today. My little girl finished her first year of 'preschool' today. My little man finished having me all to himself for two days each week today! With 'normal' life pausing for the next 6 weeks, what a perfect time to stop, simplify and slow down and focus on nurturing the divine spirits of the three little people that I am privileged to share my life with!
My goal for the next six weeks is to teach my children to connect to their 'me' and to nourish that relationship with love. Every day I will do an activity with my children to achieve this goal. Every day it will be different and every day it will have a specific purpose.
Here are 14 activities to get you started for the first two weeks of holidays!
1. Go To The Beach and Play In The Water and Sand
Purpose: To connect with nature, calm negativity, clear aura and restore clarity in energy fields - become grounded (toxic or negative energy fields blocks access to intuition, to 'me')
2. Do a Guided Meditation Before Bedtime
Purpose: Meditation is the most effective way to slow down and sharpen awareness because it clears away the mental noise and distractions that prevent you from noticing what's important. It provides a sense of calm and stimulates imagination and creative expression. Intuition operates most powerfully in the realm of imagination and therefore this is a great way to access the intuitive self.
3. Play the 'I Wonder' Game....
'I Wonder' - who will be at the playground today / what Santa will bring / what time Daddy will get home from work / who's calling when the phone rings
Purpose: To foster an inquisitive mind, to enthusiastically explore options, to keep awareness and interest fresh and to access intuition
4. Take 20....
Take 20 minutes to just be with your child (one on one) - playing, talking, listening.
Purpose: Creating a deeper connection to your child and teaching your child how to be present
5. Start Cooking - Choose a Healthy, Wholefood Recipe to Create a Nourishing Treat
Purpose: To learn love and respect for your physical body and to nourish it with healthy, toxic free, wholefoods. Processed, unnatural foods are hard to digest, put toxins into the body and lower vibrational energy and causes energy imbalances. Being mindful of the food that is being put into the body is an important lesson for children, and adults to learn.
5. Start Cooking - Choose a Healthy, Wholefood Recipe to Create a Nourishing Treat
Purpose: To learn love and respect for your physical body and to nourish it with healthy, toxic free, wholefoods. Processed, unnatural foods are hard to digest, put toxins into the body and lower vibrational energy and causes energy imbalances. Being mindful of the food that is being put into the body is an important lesson for children, and adults to learn.
6. Have a Warm Bath with Epsom Salt and Lavender
Purpose: Clears energy fields (aura) from negativity and assists in calming an agitated spirit

7. Go On An Adventure To Somewhere You Have Never Been Before and Explore
Purpose: Heightens awareness, expands curiosity, sharpens instincts and sensory apparatus which stimulates intuition, which thrives in unfamiliar environments
8. Go on a Fairy Hunt in the Park
Purpose: Imaginative play is the basis of intuition, curiosity and an inquisitive mind develops intuition and being in contact with nature clears energy fields.
9. Dance, Sing, Move
10. Do Art & Craft - Painting, Drawing, Play Dough etc - without judgement or competition
Purpose: Art is an instinctive way to tune in to our inner selves and is a way to express our inner world or soul. "Artistic callings are God's marching orders to bring beauty and soul into the world" Julie Cameron, The Artist's Way
11. Clean Up, Clear Out Bedroom
Purpose: Removing clutter from a bedroom, raises the energy in the room and enhances the quality of sleep. A cluttered room, creates stagnant, uncomfortable and unpleasant energy which is easily picked up by those in the space. Donating things that are no longer used or needed to people who could use them also teaches the gift of giving and gratitude.
Purpose: Removing clutter from a bedroom, raises the energy in the room and enhances the quality of sleep. A cluttered room, creates stagnant, uncomfortable and unpleasant energy which is easily picked up by those in the space. Donating things that are no longer used or needed to people who could use them also teaches the gift of giving and gratitude.
12. Get Down and Dirty In the Garden - make mud pies, plant some veggies, pull some weeds
Purpose: To connect with nature, calm negativity, clear aura and restore clarity in energy fields - become grounded (toxic or negative energy fields blocks access to intuition, to 'me')
13. Make a 'Wish Box'
Decorate a box inside and out with 'special' items eg. stickers, affirmations, angels, crystals and then place written requests or prayers into the box
Purpose: To integrate art with asking the Universe or God for support and to teach the symbolic act of surrendering requests or prayers to the Universe or God to builds trust and faith in God
14. Practice Gratitude
Acknowledge and thank God for blessings eg. food, good health, Santa presents, wonderful fun days
Purpose: Stopping to recognise the gifts we've been given instantly lightens our spirit, opens our heart and intuition
There are so many more activities which I will share over the coming weeks. For those of you who have children, I would love you and your beautiful children to join us on this journey. For those of you who do not have children I would love you to tap into your inner child and try these activities each day with us.
The hidden blessing in each of these activities is that you allow yourself to be truly present and connected to yourself and those around you which can only enrich your relationships. Secondly, by nurturing your child's spirit, your inner child gets to play every day too - what a wonderful way for you to come back to your 'me'!
The hidden blessing in each of these activities is that you allow yourself to be truly present and connected to yourself and those around you which can only enrich your relationships. Secondly, by nurturing your child's spirit, your inner child gets to play every day too - what a wonderful way for you to come back to your 'me'!
I will let you know how we are going and would love to hear of your experiences....lets nurture our children's spirits and our own!