So here, in no particular order, I offer 39 reasons why I feel grateful at this moment (by the way I have no idea what is about to come out and I am going to press publish regardless!)
I am grateful for:
1. Choosing to live this life
2. Each day being more consciously aware, more of the time
3. My mum and her lesson of acceptance and resilience - regardless of what life delivers!
4. Living in a country that allows me the freedom to be me
5. Learning to accept my gifts and embrace them
6. My sisters and brother, their strength of character, their love and our shared childhood experiences
7. Feeling pure love just watching my girls swimming this afternoon
8. The sweet snuggly cuddles my little man gives me every morning
9. My childhood best friend who has grown with me through so much
10. Finally really noticing the beauty of nature every day - the clouds, the butterflies, the colour of the leaves on the trees, the smell of roses in my garden
11. My inner wisdom that spoke so strongly one day as I sat in the car at traffic light and said 'you and Luke'.....it was the most obvious thing in the world at that moment - just one I had failed to see for the previous 8 years.
12. My amazing body - its strength, its miracle in keeping me alive for 39 years
13. My imperfections for teaching me love and acceptance of myself
14. Learning to be calm and at peace even in the midst of daily chaos
15. My dad for showing me how to laugh and enjoy life
16. My husband for going to work and working so hard every day, allowing me to live my purpose without financial pressure
17. The softness my Lucia teaches me through her gentle nurturing of others
18. My mum giving of herself and her home to us for the last 18 months
19. The fun and freedom of my Uni days and that I survived unscathed!
20. The extraordinary friendships I made while I was at Uni and curiously exploring life for the first time
21. Dr Bielby, Integrated Doctor, who possibly saved my life last year
22. My courage to be who I am, even if it is different!
23. Listening to, and acting on my intuition in deciding to study Kinesiology, even though I didn't really know what it was
24. Finding a boyfriend in bed with another girl, which taught me self-respect, confidence and integrity
25. My Koko choosing me to be her mother, and allowing me to make so many mistakes as her mother and yet still loving and accepting me for who I am
26. The honour of helping deliver my best friends baby boy and experiencing the magic of birth
27. Those who have trusted me to help them heal, learn and grow in this life
28. The friendships I have nurtured and those that I have let go over the years
29. Being given the opportunity to be educated and the freedom to discern what information I choose to accept and reject
30. Our dream home slowly becoming a reality - and accepting that it will be finished, when it is suppose to be finished
31. Learning to let go of control and allowing myself to be vulnerable
32.Allowing myself to be OK with not knowing what is happening next and being excited by that
33.Sharing in other people's grief in loosing children so that I can learn, through them, acceptance and gratitude for all that is in this moment
34. My daily coffee
35. The amazing healing ability of my body
36. My dad passing away so that I could learn so many important and fundamental spiritual lessons
37. My mum and dad instilling in me a strength of character and courage, which I rely on every day of my life
38. Sharing my life and nurturing my children, with my best friend and my rock
39. Consciously choosing to learn the lessons, that I sought to learn in this life, with ease and grace
I am a strong believer that all I experience contributes to my spiritual growth if I allow it, and therefore for all I have experienced in this life, I am grateful.