Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Belief Balance for Mothers

Now Is The Time....

I am now taking bookings for my exciting new program, Belief Balance for Mothers.

Read on for more information on what's involved!

There are plenty of books on being a mother but really none can actually tell you how to become the mother YOU desire to be. Why?

Because every child is different. Every mother is different. Every mother / child relationship is different.

We are a product of our own life experiences, our DNA holds the experiences of our ancestors and, if you believe in the concept of past lives, our aura carries the experiences of our past life experiences. All this history, this energy, lies within our energetic body and included in that are our beliefs.

The beliefs we have about being a mother. They are not necessarily within our conscious awareness, many sit within the subconscious mind and work on many different levels of our subconscious.

Our beliefs are powerful. They impact on our thoughts, which influence our actions, which create our behaviours. And how we behave with others determines the nature of our relationships, including the relationship between mother and child.

Your beliefs about being a mother have a significant impact on the relationship you have with your child / children.

If your relationship with your child / children is not what you wish it to be, then changing your beliefs about motherhood will in turn change your relationship with your child. Not just on a surface level, but on a deep level - a soul level.

So I ask you to consider the following questions, and if you answer yes to any, if not all these questions, then my Belief Balance for Mothers program may be right for you!

Are you the Mother you desire to be?

Are you happy with your relationship with your child / children?

Are you ready to commit to creating the Mother you desire to be?

Are you willing to release the BELIEFS that are holding you back from being the mother you desire to be?

Are you ready to change?

Do you deserve to take the time to change?

Do you deserve to take time for you?

If you answered yes to any of these, then read on!

Your Body Kinesiology - Belief Balance for Mothers

This program is designed to help women - mothers or nurturers - to become the mother they want to be.

What's Involved:
Through the process of manifestation you will create a statement reflecting your vision of yourself as a mother. We will then identify and balance any fundamental beliefs around being a mother, that are blocking you from aligning to this vision. This process will be achieved through a combination of Kinesiology and Theta Healing.

The final stage of the program is identifying through muscle testing the integration techniques required for you to complete at home to further integrate the changes that have been made. This is an extremely important part of the program and what it involves will vary for every person, as every persons energetic needs are different. Some people will integrate these changes in beliefs quickly and some will take longer.

What You Get:
Firstly your get 90 minutes time out for YOU - you deserve this!

We start with a 30 min foot soak in magnesium salt to CLEANSE your energetic field before we complete the Belief Balance. Pink rose petals will be added to the foot bath to gently start opening your heart chakra and opening you to UNCONDITIONAL LOVE- a key to becoming the mother you desire to be!

While you soak your feet you will sip on a specially formulated herbal tea, designed to open your third eye chakra, assisting you to clearly 'see' the vision of the mother you desire to be.

You will use this time, to jot down your desired mother vision and create a MANIFESTATION Statement around your vision eg. I am a patient, calm, open, loving mother who....etc. We will then align you to this statement during the balance.

Following the foot soak, my own rose quartz infused oil, which I have created especially for this program, will be applied to the base of your feet to further open you to 'stepping forward' into unconditional love.

The next step is completing the actual Belief Balance, utilising both Kinesiology and Theta Healing techniques. This involves identifying which fundamental beliefs about being a mother you are aligned too and those that you are not. We then clear from your energetic body those beliefs which you are holding that are preventing you from aligning to your vision of the mother you desire to be. We will then bring your energy into alignment with your manifestation statement.

Finally through muscle testing we will check your alignment to your manifestation statement, and clear any further blocks that may be present, as well as identifying your specific INTEGRATION program to be completed after the session.

The integration process involves using a key belief statement as an affirmation for a specific number of times per day for a specific number of days or weeks. This will vary for each person and your individual program will be identified through muscle testing. Your integration strategy will be supported with a Bach Flower Essence, identified specifically for this program, to assist in the release of old beliefs, patterns and behaviours. The Rock Water Bach Flower remedy simply allows you to unbend, so you are kinder to yourself and not so dismissive of life's softer more joyful simple pleasures. It is a remedy for mothers who deny themselves many of the joys and pleasures of life because they consider it might interfere with their work as a mother.

Any additional integration strategies to support the integration of new beliefs and alignment to your manifestation statement will also be identified through muscle testing.

Your Commitment:

(i) 90 minutes of your time

(ii) A desire to release the old and step forward into a new version of you as a mother

(iii) Completion of your personalised integration program at home following completion of your session

Your Investment:


Early Bird Special:

Because I am very excited to launch this program, I have decided to gift the first 12 women who book a session with a bottle of my beautiful rose quartz infused oil!

It is such a beautiful oil to use on yourself to open your heart chakra to unconditional love or to even use on your child / children, to also open them to giving and receiving unconditional love!

If my program speaks to you, it is because I have created it for you! I know you. I know your struggle. I know your desire to change!

So, if you know you are ready to commit to changing the mother you are, into the mother you desire to be, then book your session with me NOW!

Book your appointment today to change your tomorrow! x