As my little girl walked away from me this morning, into the playground of her third school in two years, I felt her uncertainty, I felt her insecurity, I felt her fear, I felt her vulnerability. And oh, how my heart ached and how I wanted to save her from it. I didn't want her to feel like that - nobody likes to feel like that!
But deep inside I knew that this was a gift to her, and I knew that her amazing inquisitive Spirit, would take this offering and use it, to grow her life experience, to evolve just a little bit more......
I knew that her uncertainty of what lay ahead, was to teach her that it is OK to let go of control and just trust that it will all work out......oh what a freedom to KNOW this at such a young age.
I knew that her insecurity of herself in that moment (mistakenly wearing the school uniform on sports day when everyone else was in sports uniform certainly helped with this one!), was to teach her that she is completely perfect in her imperfection - that she is enough exactly as she is and that this knowing would instil a greater sense of peace than any sense of security could ever bring.
I knew that her fear as she walked away from me, was to teach her that it is in living life, moving forward and being your authentic self DESPITE the fear, is how you in fact overcome fear and live your life with a blissful sense of freedom.
I knew that experiencing vulnerability, was to teach her that being courageous and taking risks and making changes in life, without knowing what lies ahead is what life is about. It was to teach her, that exposing yourself to the judgement and potential criticism of others, builds confidence and resilience and a desire to do it again and again and again.
To take risks is to LEARN.
To take risks is to GROW.
To take risks is to LIVE.
To take risks is what this whole thing is about - to experience life - the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, the easy and the tough, the love and the fear, the peace and the anxiety, the knowing and the uncertainty. For without one we cannot truly appreciate the other.
If I do not know hurt, how can I appreciate joy?
If I do not know anger, how can I appreciate calm?
If I do not know rejection, how can I appreciate acceptance?
If I do not know sorrow, how can I appreciate happiness?
If I do not know vulnerability, how can I appreciate security?
If I do not know how to live my life fully, how can I appreciate my life?
And so today, as my little girl walked away from me, I knew she would come back to me changed, having learnt, having grown and having evolved for all the experiences that she had today - whatever those experiences were to be.
And I knew, that whatever those experiences were to be, that I would be there - to guide her, nurture her and love her through them - because she Chose Me to be her mum in this life, and I owe her that!
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