Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Nurturing Your Child's Spirit.....A School Holiday Journey

December is such a crazy month, so much to do in the lead up to Christmas, resulting in people running around madly, stressed out and totally exhausted by the time Christmas actually arrives. I will put my hand up and admit that I have been feeling like this for the last couple of days and you know what, I don't like how I feel. I feel very scattered, I'm irritable and snappy and physically feeling so drained. It is no wonder I feel this way, because I also feel very disconnected from 'me'.

Before I go on, let me explain what 'me' is! 

'Me' goes by many different names...Higher Self, True Self, Heart, Spirit, Divine Self, Source. Choose whatever name resonates with you. For me, 'me' represents my spirit, my whole self - the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual!
When I am connected to 'me' I am able to listen and hear my heart. I am calmer, have a sense of inner peace and clarity and physically I have an abundance of energy. Unfortunately, at times I allow the craziness of life to interfere with my ability to be 'in tune' with 'me' and at the moment this is the case.

When we disconnect from 'me', we experience doubt, we feel lost, we are uncertain, we loose our intuitive instinct, we don't trust ourselves and we fail to be true to ourselves. In the short term, this can lead to the aforementioned feelings of being scattered, irritable, anxious as well as numerous other feelings and physically feeling depleted of energy and perhaps experiencing minor aches, pain and ill-health. 

In the longer term, this disconnect from self can start to have much more detrimental effects, physically, mentally and emotionally. If we fail to tune in and listen to 'me' and act on our intuitive guidance then life tends to present struggles, until we listen and start to take notice. Sometimes these lessons are hard to learn, sometimes traumatic, often painful - some last a short time, some last a life time. 

When you live a life where you are in tune with yourself and live by your intuitive guidance, there really will be no big deal when you go through a rough experience. You simply discern what the problem is and learn from it. Lesson Learnt - after that there is no need to attract that situation to you again.

So many adults are walking around in life alienated from their 'me'. I see it with my clients all the time. Somewhere along the way, they lost that connection to their true self and they are struggling to reclaim it.

Kinesiology is amazing at helping clients highlight this disconnect and
assist them in re-establishing that relationship!

I recently worked with a client, who through the age-recession process identified an incident when she was 5 years old. She recalled that she really wanted to play with a particular doll, but her friend wanted her to play in the sandpit. So rather than be true to herself, she went along with what her friend wanted her to do. This incident was identified as the original event which established a life-long pattern of behaviour. A pattern of behaviour that now sees a grown woman continue to say 'Yes' when she really wants to say 'No' - a lifelong pattern of behaviour where she has not listened and allowed herself to be true to herself. Her challenge now is to connect with her true self, her heart, her spirit - and listen - and then act on what she hears - thereby being true to herself. The changes that will occur in her life because of this will be amazing! How Cool Is Kinesiology!

In infancy and early childhood, we have a natural, pure and quite beautiful connection to 'me'. You can see this in a newborns face, and the freedom of play and expression of a toddler. They are guided by their intuition not by the rules and constraints of life. Sadly many little ones loose this innocence, this beautiful connection to their 'me' early in life.

I have seen also seen this in quite a number of children that I have worked with. It is possible to re-establish this relationship as a child and an adult, but it can be hard work - changing life-long patterns of behaviour and limiting beliefs is not easy. 

Wouldn't It Be Better If It Was Not Lost At All?

Bringing up our children is the most important 'job' we have given to us! It is a gift and a responsibility that should not be taken lightly. As a parent, I am always seeking to ensure that my children are happy, that they thrive and prosper in life and that they grow into confident adults, surrounded by love and with an inner peace and calm. Children who are fortunate enough to grow up trusting their intuition, live life with a sense of spiritual direction and safety, and become more confident adults with clarity and inner peace. I believe it is our responsibility as parents to teach our children about this special part of who they are, the younger the better, and then help them to nurture it.

Is There A More Beautiful Gift To Give Your Child?
But How?
How Do I Nurture My Child's 'Me'?

My big girl finished her first year at 'big school' today. My little girl finished her first year of 'preschool' today. My little man finished having me all to himself for two days each week today! With 'normal' life pausing for the next 6 weeks, what a perfect time to stop, simplify and slow down and focus on nurturing the divine spirits of the three little people that I am privileged to share my life with! 

My goal for the next six weeks is to teach my children to connect to their 'me' and to nourish that relationship with love. Every day I will do an activity with my children to achieve this goal. Every day it will be different and every day it will have a specific purpose.

Here are 14 activities to get you started for the first two weeks of holidays!

1. Go To The Beach and Play In The Water and Sand
Purpose: To connect with nature, calm negativity, clear aura and restore clarity in energy fields - become grounded (toxic or negative energy fields blocks access to intuition, to 'me')
2. Do a Guided Meditation Before Bedtime
Purpose: Meditation is the most effective way to slow down and sharpen awareness because it clears away the mental noise and distractions that prevent you from noticing what's important. It provides a sense of calm and stimulates imagination and creative expression. Intuition operates most powerfully in the realm of imagination and therefore this is a great way to access the intuitive self.

3. Play the 'I Wonder' Game....
'I Wonder' - who will be at the playground today / what Santa will bring / what time Daddy will get home from work / who's calling when the phone rings
Purpose: To foster an inquisitive mind, to enthusiastically explore options, to keep awareness and interest fresh and to access intuition

4. Take 20....
Take 20 minutes to just be with your child (one on one) - playing, talking, listening.
Purpose: Creating a deeper connection to your child and teaching your child how to be present

5. Start Cooking - Choose a Healthy, Wholefood Recipe to Create a Nourishing Treat
Purpose: To learn love and respect for your physical body and to nourish it with healthy, toxic free, wholefoods. Processed, unnatural foods are hard to digest, put toxins into the body and lower vibrational energy and causes energy imbalances. Being mindful of the food that is being put into the body is an important lesson for children, and adults to learn. 

6. Have a Warm Bath with Epsom Salt and Lavender
Purpose: Clears energy fields (aura) from negativity and assists in calming an agitated spirit

7. Go On An Adventure To Somewhere You Have Never Been Before and Explore
Purpose: Heightens awareness, expands curiosity, sharpens instincts and sensory apparatus which stimulates intuition, which thrives in unfamiliar environments 

8. Go on a Fairy Hunt in the Park
Purpose: Imaginative play is the basis of intuition, curiosity and an inquisitive mind develops intuition and being in contact with nature clears energy fields.

9. Dance, Sing, Move
Purpose: Raises vibrational energy, clears energy fields of negativity and unblocks inhibitions and teaches child to be free from judgements and constraints

10. Do Art & Craft - Painting, Drawing, Play Dough etc - without judgement or competition
Purpose: Art is an instinctive way to tune in to our inner selves and is a way to express our inner world or soul. "Artistic callings are God's marching orders to bring beauty and soul into the world" Julie Cameron, The Artist's Way

11. Clean Up, Clear Out Bedroom
Purpose: Removing clutter from a bedroom, raises the energy in the room and enhances the quality of sleep. A cluttered room, creates stagnant, uncomfortable and unpleasant energy which is easily picked up by those in the space. Donating things that are no longer used or needed to people who could use them also teaches the gift of giving and gratitude.
12. Get Down and Dirty In the Garden - make mud pies, plant some veggies, pull some weeds
Purpose: To connect with nature, calm negativity, clear aura and restore clarity in energy fields - become grounded (toxic or negative energy fields blocks access to intuition, to 'me')
13. Make a 'Wish Box'
Decorate a box inside and out with 'special' items eg. stickers, affirmations, angels, crystals and then place written requests or prayers into the box
Purpose: To integrate art with asking the Universe or God for support and to teach the symbolic act of surrendering requests or prayers to the Universe or God to handle..it builds trust and faith in God

14. Practice Gratitude
Acknowledge and thank God for blessings eg. food, good health, Santa presents, wonderful fun days
Purpose: Stopping to recognise the gifts we've been given instantly lightens our spirit, opens our heart and intuition

There are so many more activities which I will share over the coming weeks. For those of you who have children, I would love you and your beautiful children to join us on this journey. For those of you who do not have children I would love you to tap into your inner child and try these activities each day with us.

The hidden blessing in each of these activities is that you allow yourself to be truly present and connected to yourself and those around you which can only enrich your relationships. Secondly, by nurturing your child's spirit, your inner child gets to play every day too - what a wonderful way for you to come back to your 'me'!

I will let you know how we are going and would love to hear of your experiences....lets nurture our children's spirits and our own!

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Gluten Free...Fade or Forever Diet?

Gluten free eating has become increasingly popular in recent years. To the extent that some may consider it something of a fade! And for some it may be….simply another 'diet' to try in the quest of losing weight or getting healthy. But for those who choose to adopt a gluten free diet for themselves or their children, it is anything but a fade.


The health benefits of removing gluten from the diet are plentiful and include (but not limited too):
  • improved digestive health eg. settling irritable bowel syndrome
  • enhanced mood through a reduction in anxiety, depression and stress responses
  • improved behaviours in children - those with 'diagnosed' behavioural challenges and those with day to day behavioural issues
  • improved allergy rashes eg. eczema
  • enhanced immune function resulting in fewer ear and throat infections, colds and general ill health 
  • improved thyroid function
  • settling heart arrhythmias - trust me on this one!
There is much anecdotal evidence of the link between gluten and cardiac arrhythmias. I personally will never eat gluten again, as it was a significant factor in me being hospitalised for 5 days with cardiac arrhythmias earlier in the year. Yes, there were other factors at play, and my immune system was compromised at the time but the casual reintroduction of gluten into my diet over two days was enough of a trigger to cause significant (and completely terrifying) heart arrhythmias.
There are risks in jumping straight into a gluten free diet, if you don't also change your mindset around food,  as outlined in the following link http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-11533/5-reasons-to-avoid-the-gluten-free-aisle.html.
Making the switch to a gluten free diet can be overwhelming for some people and they fall into the trap of taking the seemingly easy option and shopping in the 'health food aisle' in the supermarket. Due to the increasing popularity of gluten free eating, supermarkets and ‘health food’ stores offer a huge range of gluten free products.
However, often these pre-packaged products are highly processed, rich in colours, additives and preservatives, laden with sugar and actually offer little nutritional value and may in fact be more detrimental to your or your children’s health.  It is important therefore to really consider your overall diet before commencing gluten free eating and integrate gluten free foods into a whole food diet.

As a mother I can relate to that feeling of 'I'm trying to do everything right for my children's health, yet still seem to be doing the wrong thing!'. My recommendation is to be gentle on yourself and take small steps but aim at a bigger lifestyle change.
If you truly want to see the benefits of gluten free eating in yourself and your family, then I recommend gradually  transitioning to a whole food diet, where your diet consists of exactly that 'WHOLE FOODS' eg. fresh fruit, vegetables, eggs, meat, rich animal fats, seeds & nuts.  It goes by many names - but essentially I like to think of it as 'the way we use to eat'. Somewhere along the way, marketing and a lack of time has got in the way of good old fashioned eating.
Ideally I recommend eating nutrient dense organic fruit, vegetables and meats, or free range meats and eggs, but I understand that this can be financially challenging for some families. Don't beat yourself up about this. Take small steps and make gradual changes. Once you start noticing the changes in your health and that of your families, you will seek to make further changes along the way.

I have previously shared a few great websites / blogs / facebook pages that have amazingly delicious recipes using whole food ingredients. This makes the 'what will I give the kids for a snack' issue so much easier.  For even though snacking on fruit is an easy option it may not be the best option, particularly if you follow a sugar free diet. Even though the sugar in fruit is 'natural', it may still be difficult for your body to digest and even toxic - for those who are fructose intolerant or sensitive.
For those who know me well, you know I am very passionate about nutrition, particularly in relation to my family. I have walked the path of transitioning my family from what I believed was a 'healthy' diet to essentially a whole food diet. I am not perfect....perfectionism sets you up for failure, so I don't try to be perfect anymore, I just try my best for my family.
So, yeah the kids step outside our normal diet on occasions eg birthday parties, but I rarely do because I know how it makes me feel. To be honest I think my children at ages 6, 4 & 2yrs are already able to see how processed, nutrient poor and sugar laden foods effects them – it is  actually quite different for each of them. But they are becoming aware and I hope that my passion, and through sharing my knowledge (and cooking skills – ha!) and by leading by example, it will ensure that when they are old enough to make their own food choices, they will make ones that are best for their overall health and wellbeing.
As I have walked this path, I understand it can be really tough for some families to make the transition to this lifestyle - it really is a lifestyle change!  But as a Kinesiologist, I am able to assist you in identifying what foods are detrimental to your or your child's health. I am then able to coach you in modifying your diet as needed and transitioning your family to a whole food diet to ensure that the foods you eat are enhancing your health rather than compromising it.
Book in for a consultation today, to change your tomorrow.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Back To School....What Does It Mean For Children?

It is back to school today for the start of the final term of the year. I cannot believe that my little girl is almost finished her first year of 'big school' - I'm so incredibly proud of her!

Back to school means different things to different people, particularly for parents and children! For many parents I know it means the chilled out, no rushing, easy pace of school holiday mornings is replaced by frustrated cries of:

'Hurry up we're going to be late!'
'Quickly eat your breakfast then clean your teeth'
'Come On! Get dressed!'
'Have you got your lunchbox?'
'Where's your drink bottle?'
'Don't forget your homework folder'
'Hurry up! Shoes on, now!'
'Quick in the car'
'Seat belts on, hurry up!'

Can You Relate? Can you feel your frustration as you read this? It's tiring isn't it?

Now pause and think about how your child feels listening to this barrage first thing in the morning.


Life is busy. Life is really busy for adults with so many competing demands. Life is also really busy for children these days - rush rush rush! Image how they feel about going back to school.

Just the stress of getting out the door before they even make it into the playground can be quite overwhelming for some children. They are then faced with social pressures, to a degree far greater then we experienced as children - who to play with? who not to play with? what to play? what not to play? where to play? where not to play? what to wear? what not to wear? what to look like? what not to look like? what to say? what not to say?

Creating rules and boundaries are important for children, don't get me wrong. But we must consider the unwritten social rules that our children are facing everyday in the playground as well. For some children who are socially confident or have an inner confidence, this doesn't faze them, for others it creates another enormous stress before they have even entered the classroom.

Now add to their stress  levels, the pressure to achieve in the classroom. A pressure that can come from a variety of sources - from parents, from teachers, from peers, from within!
Todays society places so much expectation on excelling and achieving, from what job you have, to how much money you make, to where you live, to what car you drive etc etc etc. Often well-meaning parents subconsciously project these social expectations onto their children, which simply adds to the pressure and stress levels that this generation of children are experiencing.

It breaks my heart to see children suffering from fear and anxiety as they walk into the playground. And I can see it. But don't be fooled. It is not just the child who latches onto their mothers leg and cries at being left at school.
It is the child who sits quietly on the seat outside their classroom, seemingly comfortable in their own space, yet they are alone and lonely.
It is the child who is 'the naughty one' in class, who seems fearless and yet is full of fear with no way to appropriately express it.
It is the child who is the smartest in the class, who constantly fears whether that is enough, whether they are enough.
It is the child who carries a label - ADHD, Aspergers, Autism, Allergies and carries the stigma attached to that. 
It is the child who trys to be perfect, seeking the attention and admiration of the teacher.
It is the child who wets their pants.
It is the child who ends up in the sick bay with stomach pains. 
It is the child who looks exhausted from inadequate sleep because they can't 'switch off'at night.
It is the child who is different, looks different, sounds different, acts different - because it's 'so not cool to be different'.
It is the child who stands back and won't have a go for fear of failure.
It is the child who bullies others.
It is the child who is bullied.
It brings joy to my heart to watch my little girl run off into the playground with her eyes shining with excitement, anticipating what lies ahead for her at school that day. However, I know she gets stressed and experiences fear and anxiety. Sometimes it's in relation to school, other times in relation to life in general. I just feel fortunate that I am able to combine my deep love of her, as her mother, and my skills as a kinesiologist to help her overcome her fear and anxieties and eleviate her stress.
She's a kid.
She's not suppose to be stressed.
Life is meant to be simple and fun and free - especially for children.
Kinesiology is such a powerful tool in being able to tap into the source of a client's stress and identify how it is effecting the client's energy. This stress may manifest physically, mentally or emotionally. Most importantly the gentle correction techniques applied are able to rebalance the client's energy around the cause of the stress.
Often 'homework' is required following a treatment to complete the integration of these changes. For children this could be brain integration exercises, use of an affirmation, a simple meditation or visualisation, some nutritional support in the form of supplements or it could be taking action on something that came up during the session (eg. saying something to someone that has needed to be said for a long time). I know when working with children, they often find their 'homework' quite empowering, as well as providing them with a sense of importance.

Sometimes children do not even know the cause of their stress, anxiety or fear. Other times they know but are too fearful to say or simply don't know how to articulate it. Sometimes they don't even know what it is that causes their heart to race, their sleepless nights, their angry outbursts, their tummy to ache....sometimes it is so deeply embedded in their subconcious they cannot identify it, they just know it is there. And that is where Kinesiology can help, because it can access the subconcious and allow the underlying cause of stress, anxiety and fear to be safely and gently identified and addressed!

I know that my purpose in life is to assist others to enhance their life so that they can live the most fulfilling life possible. And I am so passionate about helping children overcome their fears and anxiety, so that they can grow into amazing adults who confidently make courageous, fearless decisions, who trust in themselves, their inner knowing and who can just let go of life's stresses and allow themselves to live an amazingly fulfilled life full of happiness, health and love - of themselves and others!

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Chocolate - The Natural, Healthy & Sugar Free Way!

I'll admit that I'm not a chocolate addict, but I do enjoy chocolate especially of an evening when the kids are asleep and I can finally sit down and relax!

A couple of years ago, I 'gave up' chocolate when my baby boy was found to be sensitive to cows milk. I was fortunate to have this identified when he was only 3 weeks old thanks to kinesiology! I immediately went dairy free - cold turkey style!
Fortunately this immediately resulted in my little man's digestive system settling down and us having no further issues with breast feeding. The only down side for me (as I realised that dairy free eating was actually enormously beneficial for me as well as my bub), was that I missed the comfort that chocolate provided me at the end of an exhausting day (3 little ones, 3yrs and under - I can't actually remember it - it is such a blur now!)

If only I knew then what I know now! I could have had my chocolate and eaten it too!
How You Say? 

Well I'm certainly not talking about your standard block of Cadburys chocolate, not even the high % cocoa dark chocolate purporting to be good for you.

I'm talking the real deal - Raw Chocolate = CACAO.

What is Cacao?

First of all don't confuse cacao with cocoa. Cacao is the raw form of the cacao bean while cocoa is the product of roasted cacao beans. The heating of the cacao bean destroys some of the amazing health benefits of raw cacao. The addition of sugar, milk products, trans fats and other preservatives, additives and colourings in commercial chocolate completely destroys most of the health benefits of that pure raw cacao bean.
What's All The Hype About?
Raw cacao is high in flavonoids which act as natural anti-oxidants and assist in protecting the body from ageing and disease which results from free radicals (oxidising agents).
Raw cacao beans have the highest ORAC score of all natural foods in the world. The ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is a measure of the effectiveness of antioxidants to absorb free radicals that cause cell and tissue damage. The higher the ORAC score, the higher the level of antioxidants present in the food. Other well known 'superfoods' which are high in anti-oxidants include acai berries, green tea, blueberries and spinach however raw cacaos ORAC score dwarfs these by a factor of 10x or more.
ORAC scores for the Top 10 Antioxidants Foods (per 100 grams)
  1. Raw cocoa powder 95,500
  2. Raw cacao nibs  62,100
  3. Roasted cocoa powder 26,000
  4. Organic Goji Berries  25,300
  5. Acai Berries 18,500
  6. Dark Chocolate 13,120
  7. Milk Chocolate 6,740
  8. Prunes 5,770
  9. Raisins 2,830
  10. Blueberries 2,400
Source: US department of Agriculture
Research of raw cacao beans has revealed that it is one of the most chemically complex foods on earth. Some of the more powerful and interesting of the phytochemicals within the cacao bean include:
  • Anandamide: a neurotransmitter in the brain that is referred to as the "chocolate amphetamine" as it causes changes in blood pressure and blood-sugar levels, leading to feelings of excitement and alertness. Anandamide works like amphetamines to increase mood and decrease depression and is responsible for the feeling of "bliss"
  • Phenethylamine (PEA): another neurotransmitter in the brain which we naturally create when we are excited. It also plays a role in feeling focused and alert because it causes your pulse rate to quicken, resulting in a similar feeling to when we are excited or fall in love! It is also known as the "love molecule".
  • Serotonin: another neurotransmitter in the brain that makes you feel good
  • Dopamine: another neurotransmitter in the brain that boosts motivation and pleasure
  • Coumarin: an appetite suppressant, blood thinner and also has anti-tumour properties
  • Sitosterol: decreases LDL cholesterol
Raw cacao is one of the most nutrient dense foods on earth. Cacao has the highest source of magnesium and chromium of any food! Magnesium helps to build strong bones, is fundamental to heart function and is a muscle relaxant that is associated with feelings of calmness. Cacao is also really high in sulphur which helps form strong nails and hair.
Cacao contains over 300 compounds including: 
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B (1, 2, 3, 5 and 6)
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Calcium
  • Manganese
  • Zinc
  • Sulphur
  • Iron
  • Chromium
  • Phosphorus
  • Omega 6 Fatty Acids
  • Saturated Fats
  • Amino Acids
  • Carbohydrates
  • Soluble Fibre
  • Enzymes
Cacao has also been found to help regulate blood pressure, reduce cholesterol and building the strength of the immune system.
Interestingly raw cacao can diminish your appetite by helping the body tune in to its natural appetite.  This is due to cacao's monoamine oxidase enzyme inhibitors (MAO inhibitors). This is why it is often added to weight-loss supplements!

BUT....unfortunately there is a BUT!

You can have too much of a good thing. Cacao has a very powerful effect on the central nervous system (brain & spinal cord) due to all those amazing neurotransmitters. So over-indulging in cacao can cause overstimulation of the central nervous system and the heart. Research has also shown that high levels of cacao consumption can interfere with the bodies ability to retain calcium. In addition, some people are particularly sensitive to cacao and it can have detrimental health effects from even a small amount of consumption.

Like most things in life, it really is about balance. It is recommended that you don't consume more than 40grams or 4-6 teaspoons of raw cacao a day. So don't ruin all the GOOD by overindulging just because you have read this and think 'its healthy therefore I can have as much as I like'!

How To Create Your Own Chocolate Health Treats

I typically use cacao powder (you can also buy cacao beans or nibs) to cook with, in smoothies or as an alternate hot drink. It is best with water or a milk substitute like almond milk or coconut milk, as the nutrient uptake has been found to be inhibited by cows milk.

I have tried a lot of recipes using cacao and I have to say they are delicious and as indulgent tasting as any other chocolate cake, muffin, slice, biscuit, mousse and even cheesecake! These are the two recipes that my little man and I whipped up today - YUM!

Chocolate Coconut Almond Biscuit
Chocolate Coconut Rough Slice


Some of the great sites out there that share amazing sugar free, grain free, gluten free, dairy free and nut free recipes (and all use cacao as a substitute for chocolate) include:


I enjoy the nourishment, comfort and feeling of indulgence I have when I treat myself to a hot chocolate or a chocolate treat of an evening. I love using cacao to make special chocolate 'treats' for my children and they LOVE them too. But my point is, we regard these as a treat and choose not to overindulge and potentially compromise the amazing health benefits of this beautiful pure raw food!

FYI - Cacao is derived from the Theobroma Cacao tree, which translated from Greek literally means "Food of the Gods".  

Enjoy your journey into discovering God's Food!


Thursday, 8 August 2013

Why Kinesiology?

How did you end up a Kinesiologist?
How did you go from being a Health and Safety Manager at a Brewery to a Kinesiologist?

I’m often asked these questions and sometimes I’m not sure of the answer.

Kinesiology was not something I ever saw myself studying or an area I saw myself working in. But one night while feeding my baby boy in the dark something just hit me. And I couldn’t stop thinking about and researching Kinesiology. It just felt right and so I simply trusted my instinct and within days (and with the unequivocal support of my hubby) I was studying Kinesiology. It was a life changing decision on so many levels for me and my family.
When I think about it, I now understand why I was attracted to Kinesiology. I have always loved the human body, the science of it – how it all works together so intricately. And I have always been drawn to helping people, whether it was hands on rehabilitation or assisting people who had sustained injuries to returning to the workforce. Even working in the field of Health and Safety, my purpose was to ensure people did not injure themselves whilst at work. I particularly loved in each of these roles, educating my clients about how to enhance all aspects of their health and how to prevent further injury or illness. I guess I wanted to help them to have the best life they possibly could.
I have also always had a strong interest in natural health. I believe in the bodies innate healing ability and am intrigued by the power of natural therapies in supporting the body to heal itself. Perhaps it goes back to my studies of anatomy, physiology, neurology – it has always amazed me how beautifully the body works together. And when it is not working together so beautifully – when there is dysfunction and disharmony at a cellular level - that is where I see that natural remedies can step in and really assist the body to return to a natural state of harmony and function.
And so in following my instinct, I began studying Kinesiology, naively thinking it would be an extension of my studies of the physical body. It was that. I learnt a range of amazing techniques to assist people with structural physical issues, as well as incredible techniques to identify the nutritional healing needs of the body. But the most amazing aspect of Kinesiology is that it works on the physical, emotional, mental, chemical and spiritual aspects of the person – the whole person. The use of muscle testing enables the client to tap into their subconscious and therefore the healing is at a much deeper level.  Issues from the past or present, which the client may not be consciously aware of, are able to be addressed and blockages to healing removed through gentle, non-invasive techniques.
I love the human body. I love natural health remedies. My purpose in life is to assist others to be the best they can be, to enhance their health, to help them grow, so that they can live the life that they desire. And so I listened to my heart and followed my instinct and discovered Kinesiology, as a client and a practitioner, and it changed my life. I feel privileged to use Kinesiology every day to help my family, my friends, my clients to live a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life – isn’t that what it’s all about anyway?

What Is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology helps you access the inner knowing of your body, and to unlock the path to your potential.
What Is Kinesiology?
Initial research began in the U.S in the 1930′s and was expanded in the 1960′s by chiropractors embracing techniques derived from Chinese medicine using acupressure and meridian systems.  Kinesiology combines this knowledge with modern muscle monitoring techniques to balance the person, although through its dual East-West roots, Kinesiology actually extends back thousand of years.
Kinesiology is practised in many countries around the world both as an alternate healing therapy in its own right and also as a complementary treatment to Western medicine and other natural and alternate therapies.         
Kinesiology is a non-invasive, gentle healing experience, assisting the body with its natural ability to heal itself. It uses muscle monitoring to assess your mental/emotional/spiritual, structural/physical and nutritional/chemical states.
Just as the engine of a car requires the flow of energy through all parts to make it drive well, so too, does our body require energy to flow through our body freely. The build up of debris; grim or other matter in the 'vessels' of a car can clog an engine and thus compromise the flow of energy and the overall performance of the car.
Similarly, according to Eastern philosophy, the human body is a vessel through which energy flows along meridian lines. Kinesiology also recognises that there are flows of energy within the body that relate not only to the muscles but to every tissue and organ that go toward making the body a living, feeling being.
When there is a blockage or stress preventing a smooth flow of energy throughout the body, eg. as a result of injury, emotional trauma, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, learning and behavioural difficulties or other unresolved stress,  the exact nature of the blockage in energy flow can be more closely identified by muscle monitoring.

How Does It Work?
A fundamental foundation of Kinesiology is that the body has an innate healing energy and is at all times doing its best to care for itself. But sometimes it needs to be helped into a better position to achieve this care. Kinesiology is able to assist in uncovering the hidden areas of the subconscious that are hanging onto old negative beliefs systems or memories.               
The energy flow within the body can be evaluated by muscle monitoring, which tests the function or integrity of the muscles, which in turn reflect the body’s overall state of structural/physical; nutritional/chemical, or mental/emotional/spiritual balance.
In this way, Kinesiology taps into energy within the body that more conventional modalities overlook. Kinesiology looks beyond the symptoms. Kinesiology does not treat named diseases. Nor does it diagnose them.
A Kinesiology treatment is known as a 'Balance’. A Balance involves the use of a variety of techniques to assist the body to heal itself, through restoration of energy balance, which has a flow-on effect into balancing total body energy. Some energy balancing techniques used in Kinesiology include:
·Reflex point stimulation
·Muscle stimulation / sedation
·Accupressure & Meridian point stimulation
·Visualisation / Guided imagery
·Emotional Stress Release
·Nutrition (excess & deficiency)
·Brain Integration

Each Kinesiology balance is unique because it is determined by the responses gained from muscle monitoring. Each balance is different because it honours the person’s own healing potential and the sequence it follows to bring about the remarkable process that is healing.
To the uninitiated, Kinesiology can be a somewhat perplexing experience. Often it can seem too simple to have such an effective resolution. But as the Chinese taught so long ago:
'A miracle is simply that which is divinely natural'

Why Muscle Monitoring?

Precision muscle monitoring techniques are applied to identify energy blockages within the body. Through monitoring the neurological integrity of the feedback loop between a chosen indicator muscle and the Central Nervous System (CNS). Energy flow is able to be identified through a muscle either 'locking' or 'unlocking' in response to the application of light pressure.
If there is any sort of energy block or imbalance in the neurological pathway between the indicator muscle and the CNS, then the required number of muscle fibres are not able to be recruited / stimulated to maintain the contracted state of the muscle in response to the pressure, hence it 'unlocks'.
An 'unlocking' muscle indicates a disturbed energy flow – be it structural, chemical, nutritional, mental, emotional and spiritual. This stress may manifest in the person as some form of disease, an accident, poor nutritional or postural habits, an unresolved argument, personal trauma or crisis, even as a misunderstanding. Stresses can also carry over from any time in the client’s life.
Only 25% of the muscle monitoring technique is actually physical (this includes the position of the muscle, and the angle and direction of pressure). The remaining 75% is mental.
To work most effectively both the Kinesiologist and the client should be accepting of this, and open to allowing the body to communicate through the muscle monitoring technique. It is not a competition of muscular strength and only light pressure is applied by the Kinesiologist, with the client simply holding the muscle in a fixed position with pressure equal to that of the Kinesiologist (ie. 'matching the pressure').

The feedback from this bio-computer, rapidly communicates whether a muscle is 'locked' or 'unlocked' and can be easily identified by both the client and the Kinesiologist.

How Will It Benefit You?

The subconscious mind is always aware of everything going on within and around the person.
This same subconscious mind also stores all our life memories in exquisite detail together with all the emotional feelings, even though we may not consciously be able to recall them.

By accessing your subconscious, using the muscle monitoring technique, Kinesiology can be quite specific and can very quickly determine the best strategy or technique required to re-instate the bodies balance. Kinesiology aids the body and its natural drive to restore balance and health to your neurological and physiological function. When everything is functioning well in our system, we feel well. Therefore we are well. 
Kinesiology is not limited to dealing with ailments. Energy balancing brings a person closer to achieving any goal of their choice ~ in career, sport, relationships, learning or life in general.

Benefits of Kinesiology
Benefits of Kinesiology for Children
• Learning difficulties
• Anxiety, phobias
• Depression
• Postnatal issues
• Relationship difficulties
• Grief and loss
• Self-confidence
• Anger management
• Sleep disorders
• Career and work issues
• Conflict management
• Weight issues
• Nutrition and digestion
• Injuries
• Pain management
• Concentration
• Behavioural difficulties
Reading, Writing and Maths
• Co-ordination
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Anger
• Self-confidence
• Social Isolation
• Speech/Communication
• Stuttering
• Bed wetting
• Clumsiness
• Balance
• Sleep disorders