Thursday, 8 August 2013

What Is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology helps you access the inner knowing of your body, and to unlock the path to your potential.
What Is Kinesiology?
Initial research began in the U.S in the 1930′s and was expanded in the 1960′s by chiropractors embracing techniques derived from Chinese medicine using acupressure and meridian systems.  Kinesiology combines this knowledge with modern muscle monitoring techniques to balance the person, although through its dual East-West roots, Kinesiology actually extends back thousand of years.
Kinesiology is practised in many countries around the world both as an alternate healing therapy in its own right and also as a complementary treatment to Western medicine and other natural and alternate therapies.         
Kinesiology is a non-invasive, gentle healing experience, assisting the body with its natural ability to heal itself. It uses muscle monitoring to assess your mental/emotional/spiritual, structural/physical and nutritional/chemical states.
Just as the engine of a car requires the flow of energy through all parts to make it drive well, so too, does our body require energy to flow through our body freely. The build up of debris; grim or other matter in the 'vessels' of a car can clog an engine and thus compromise the flow of energy and the overall performance of the car.
Similarly, according to Eastern philosophy, the human body is a vessel through which energy flows along meridian lines. Kinesiology also recognises that there are flows of energy within the body that relate not only to the muscles but to every tissue and organ that go toward making the body a living, feeling being.
When there is a blockage or stress preventing a smooth flow of energy throughout the body, eg. as a result of injury, emotional trauma, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, learning and behavioural difficulties or other unresolved stress,  the exact nature of the blockage in energy flow can be more closely identified by muscle monitoring.

How Does It Work?
A fundamental foundation of Kinesiology is that the body has an innate healing energy and is at all times doing its best to care for itself. But sometimes it needs to be helped into a better position to achieve this care. Kinesiology is able to assist in uncovering the hidden areas of the subconscious that are hanging onto old negative beliefs systems or memories.               
The energy flow within the body can be evaluated by muscle monitoring, which tests the function or integrity of the muscles, which in turn reflect the body’s overall state of structural/physical; nutritional/chemical, or mental/emotional/spiritual balance.
In this way, Kinesiology taps into energy within the body that more conventional modalities overlook. Kinesiology looks beyond the symptoms. Kinesiology does not treat named diseases. Nor does it diagnose them.
A Kinesiology treatment is known as a 'Balance’. A Balance involves the use of a variety of techniques to assist the body to heal itself, through restoration of energy balance, which has a flow-on effect into balancing total body energy. Some energy balancing techniques used in Kinesiology include:
·Reflex point stimulation
·Muscle stimulation / sedation
·Accupressure & Meridian point stimulation
·Visualisation / Guided imagery
·Emotional Stress Release
·Nutrition (excess & deficiency)
·Brain Integration

Each Kinesiology balance is unique because it is determined by the responses gained from muscle monitoring. Each balance is different because it honours the person’s own healing potential and the sequence it follows to bring about the remarkable process that is healing.
To the uninitiated, Kinesiology can be a somewhat perplexing experience. Often it can seem too simple to have such an effective resolution. But as the Chinese taught so long ago:
'A miracle is simply that which is divinely natural'

Why Muscle Monitoring?

Precision muscle monitoring techniques are applied to identify energy blockages within the body. Through monitoring the neurological integrity of the feedback loop between a chosen indicator muscle and the Central Nervous System (CNS). Energy flow is able to be identified through a muscle either 'locking' or 'unlocking' in response to the application of light pressure.
If there is any sort of energy block or imbalance in the neurological pathway between the indicator muscle and the CNS, then the required number of muscle fibres are not able to be recruited / stimulated to maintain the contracted state of the muscle in response to the pressure, hence it 'unlocks'.
An 'unlocking' muscle indicates a disturbed energy flow – be it structural, chemical, nutritional, mental, emotional and spiritual. This stress may manifest in the person as some form of disease, an accident, poor nutritional or postural habits, an unresolved argument, personal trauma or crisis, even as a misunderstanding. Stresses can also carry over from any time in the client’s life.
Only 25% of the muscle monitoring technique is actually physical (this includes the position of the muscle, and the angle and direction of pressure). The remaining 75% is mental.
To work most effectively both the Kinesiologist and the client should be accepting of this, and open to allowing the body to communicate through the muscle monitoring technique. It is not a competition of muscular strength and only light pressure is applied by the Kinesiologist, with the client simply holding the muscle in a fixed position with pressure equal to that of the Kinesiologist (ie. 'matching the pressure').

The feedback from this bio-computer, rapidly communicates whether a muscle is 'locked' or 'unlocked' and can be easily identified by both the client and the Kinesiologist.

How Will It Benefit You?

The subconscious mind is always aware of everything going on within and around the person.
This same subconscious mind also stores all our life memories in exquisite detail together with all the emotional feelings, even though we may not consciously be able to recall them.

By accessing your subconscious, using the muscle monitoring technique, Kinesiology can be quite specific and can very quickly determine the best strategy or technique required to re-instate the bodies balance. Kinesiology aids the body and its natural drive to restore balance and health to your neurological and physiological function. When everything is functioning well in our system, we feel well. Therefore we are well. 
Kinesiology is not limited to dealing with ailments. Energy balancing brings a person closer to achieving any goal of their choice ~ in career, sport, relationships, learning or life in general.

Benefits of Kinesiology
Benefits of Kinesiology for Children
• Learning difficulties
• Anxiety, phobias
• Depression
• Postnatal issues
• Relationship difficulties
• Grief and loss
• Self-confidence
• Anger management
• Sleep disorders
• Career and work issues
• Conflict management
• Weight issues
• Nutrition and digestion
• Injuries
• Pain management
• Concentration
• Behavioural difficulties
Reading, Writing and Maths
• Co-ordination
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Anger
• Self-confidence
• Social Isolation
• Speech/Communication
• Stuttering
• Bed wetting
• Clumsiness
• Balance
• Sleep disorders


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