Thursday, 8 August 2013

Why Kinesiology?

How did you end up a Kinesiologist?
How did you go from being a Health and Safety Manager at a Brewery to a Kinesiologist?

I’m often asked these questions and sometimes I’m not sure of the answer.

Kinesiology was not something I ever saw myself studying or an area I saw myself working in. But one night while feeding my baby boy in the dark something just hit me. And I couldn’t stop thinking about and researching Kinesiology. It just felt right and so I simply trusted my instinct and within days (and with the unequivocal support of my hubby) I was studying Kinesiology. It was a life changing decision on so many levels for me and my family.
When I think about it, I now understand why I was attracted to Kinesiology. I have always loved the human body, the science of it – how it all works together so intricately. And I have always been drawn to helping people, whether it was hands on rehabilitation or assisting people who had sustained injuries to returning to the workforce. Even working in the field of Health and Safety, my purpose was to ensure people did not injure themselves whilst at work. I particularly loved in each of these roles, educating my clients about how to enhance all aspects of their health and how to prevent further injury or illness. I guess I wanted to help them to have the best life they possibly could.
I have also always had a strong interest in natural health. I believe in the bodies innate healing ability and am intrigued by the power of natural therapies in supporting the body to heal itself. Perhaps it goes back to my studies of anatomy, physiology, neurology – it has always amazed me how beautifully the body works together. And when it is not working together so beautifully – when there is dysfunction and disharmony at a cellular level - that is where I see that natural remedies can step in and really assist the body to return to a natural state of harmony and function.
And so in following my instinct, I began studying Kinesiology, naively thinking it would be an extension of my studies of the physical body. It was that. I learnt a range of amazing techniques to assist people with structural physical issues, as well as incredible techniques to identify the nutritional healing needs of the body. But the most amazing aspect of Kinesiology is that it works on the physical, emotional, mental, chemical and spiritual aspects of the person – the whole person. The use of muscle testing enables the client to tap into their subconscious and therefore the healing is at a much deeper level.  Issues from the past or present, which the client may not be consciously aware of, are able to be addressed and blockages to healing removed through gentle, non-invasive techniques.
I love the human body. I love natural health remedies. My purpose in life is to assist others to be the best they can be, to enhance their health, to help them grow, so that they can live the life that they desire. And so I listened to my heart and followed my instinct and discovered Kinesiology, as a client and a practitioner, and it changed my life. I feel privileged to use Kinesiology every day to help my family, my friends, my clients to live a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life – isn’t that what it’s all about anyway?

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